Aging Tech / Home & Self-Care

Showcasing home healthcare solutions and devices integrated with the latest IT technologies.

Showcasing home healthcare solutions and devices integrated with the latest IT technologies.

Aging Tech / Home & Self-Care

Presenting a Vision for Home Healthcare Focused on Patient Convenience and Medical System Efficiency

  • Emergence of the Home Healthcare Era Due to Aging Populations and the Rise of Single-Person Elderly Households
  • Exhibition of Smart Medical Devices that Monitor Health through Wearable Technologies such as Blood Glucose Meters and Smartwatches
  • Experience Personalized Health Management Solutions, Including Genetic Analysis and AI-Based Health Apps

Industry Trends


  • The global population aged 65 and older is projected to more than double, from 703 million (9% of the population) in 2019 to 1.5 billion (16% of the population) by 2050.
  • Amidst this unprecedented demographic shift, the “silver economy,” driven by those aged 50 and above, is emerging as a key force in the global economy and consumption patterns.


  • The disease structure is shifting towards chronic conditions like hypertension and diabetes due to population aging and the adoption of Western dietary habits, leading to a significant increase in national healthcare expenditure.
  • As life expectancy rises and incomes increase, the healthcare paradigm is also shifting, with the ICT-integrated home healthcare market experiencing rapid growth.

Special Zone Exhibitor