Hospital Medical Information Zone

Highlighting technologies and solutions that enhance the efficiency of hospital medical systems.

Highlighting technologies and solutions that enhance the efficiency of hospital medical systems.

Hospital Medical Information Zone
OrganizerKorea Information Technology of Hospital Association
VenueSeminar Room 5, KHF Exhibition Hall
CompositionHospital Medical Information Special Zone and Autumn Academic Seminar
ThemesOctober 2 (Day 1): Data Division: "Exploration of Medical Data Utilization: The Spread of MyData in Healthcare and the Use of Big Data in Healthcare"
October 4 (Day 2): Medical IT Division: "Productivity and Cost-Effectiveness Driven by Medical IT"
Target AudienceAll member hospitals of the association and professionals related to medical IT

Special Zone Exhibitor List

Exhibited Items


Cloud servers, storage solutions, network equipment, etc.


Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS), medical operating systems (OS, HWP, etc.), specialized medical solutions, etc.

Security Equipment

CCTV video export security solutions, pseudonymization processing solutions, network separation solutions, etc.